
Editorial team

Madeleine de Laval
(responsible under Swedish press law)

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Evolution – a business and technology magazine from SKF
AB SKF, 415 50 Göteborg, Sweden

Madeleine de Laval
(responsible under Swedish press law)

Managing editor
Erik Aronsson
tel + 46 (8) 406 54 06 fax + 46 (8) 406 54 99

Technology editors
Elaine McClarence and Walter Verhaert

Contributing editors
Erik Juhlin and Kerstin Stenberg

Art Director
Tone Knibestöl, Marianne Schöldström

Language editor, English edition
Valerie Mindel, Appelberg, New York

Web editor
Helena Åkesson

Editorial committee

Anita Kastö, chairwomen, Sweden

Janice C Affonso, Sweden

Stefania Bonaiuti, Italy

Wendy Earl, USA

Jan Jonsson, Sweden

Fang Lisa Liu , China

Sofia Noord, Sweden 

Sabina Branc, Sweden,

Gerhard Zaiss, Germany,

Editorial management
Appelberg, Stockholm, Sweden

Design, page layout and technical solutions
Zeitung Publishing AB, Stockholm, Sweden

Evolution is published online in eight language editions: American English, British English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and German. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or SKF.

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Evolution is issued for information purposes and the information provided is of general nature and should not be treated as an advice or be relied upon for making decisions or use in a specific matter. Any use of the information provided is at the users sole risk, and SKF shall not be liable for any direct, incidential, consequential or indirect damages of any kind arising out of such use of the information made available in Evolution.

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