SKF sets new climate targets
At year-end 2016, the SKF Group concluded a four-year programme to address climate change, resulting in a 14 percent absolute reduction in energy usage in its own operations and a 31 percent reduction in goods transport emissions. In addition, sales of SKF’s BeyondZero customer solutions – products and solutions that bring significant environmental benefits to customers – reached 700 million euros, a 15 percent increase compared with the previous year.
SKF’s new climate targets will stretch until 2025, with 2015 as a base year. The Group’s ambition during this period is to reduce the CO2 emissions per tonne of bearings sold and per tonne of products shipped by 40 percent. In addition, the Group will continue to report on its expanding BeyondZero customer solutions business and the progress within its supply chain on energy efficiency.
BeyondZero is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.