Strategic agreements with ReGen Powertech…
A strategic agreement has been signed by SKF and ReGen Powertech, a leading Indian wind turbine manufacturer. Under the agreement, SKF will supply pitch and yaw bearing sets and main shaft bearings for the company’s 1.5 MW wind turbines. The bearings will be manufactured at SKF’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat and are a reflection of SKF’s response and commitment to the Indian government’s “Make in India” programme.
…and with Floatel International
SKF has also signed a global service agreement with Swedish company Floatel International AB to supply services within condition-based maintenance to parent company Floatel International Ltd.’s modern floating accommodation and service platforms for maintenance personnel within the offshore industry. Floatel’s state-of-the-art service vessels are built to withstand tough weather conditions at sea. The company currently operates four platforms – in the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and in the waters offshore Australia and Brazil.