All articles for "Mining and mineral processing"


Underground challenges

Tackling the biggest, the toughest, and the longest tunnels in the world – Herrenknecht AG constantly masters new challenges underground. The casual [...]
Bearings,Coupling systems,Design,Lubrication Services,Mining and mineral processing,
Engineering Competence

Tyres reincarnated

The Van Aarsen company began half a century ago, manufacturing a traditional Dutch watermill. Today, as well as being a world leader in feed mill [...]
Bearings,Engineering consultancy,Mining and mineral processing,Research and development,

Dead Sea alive with mining activity

The Dead Sea is proving to be a rich source of minerals, including potash. The Dead Sea Works is using a method developed by the company to mine [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Mining and mineral processing,
Option 1

Shared ownership, shared rewards

When machines are taken care of by operations and maintenance staff in cooperation with each other, reliability is improved. Most people take [...]
Maintenance,Mining and mineral processing,Reliability,
Option 1

Maintenance in the Mine

From infrared cameras to ultrasonic devices, Phelps Dodge has set in place a maintenance programme that some consider to be among the best in the [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Services,Mining and mineral processing,Training,
Engineering Competence

Moving the earth

Volvo’s A40D articulated hauler is a giant, built to carry an astonishing 37 tonnes of rock and gravel. But operators want minuscule maintenance [...]
Bearings,Mining and mineral processing,Transportation & logistics,Trucks,
Engineering Competence

Fault detection for mining and mineral processing equipment

Fault detection is a technique being applied in the mining commodities industry to lower operating costs and improve machine reliability and [...]
Condition monitoring,Mining and mineral processing,Reliability,