All articles for "Digitization"

Digital Technology

A safe place to innovate

Annika Ölme, chief technology officer for the SKF Group, describes her formula for innovation and technological evolution while championing diversity [...]
Digital Technology,Digitization,Industry,Sustainability,Talent,
Digital Technology

The right bearing with a click

Engineers can work faster and more effectively when advanced bearing calculation tools are integrated into the design and simulation systems they use [...]
Digital Technology,Digitization,Engineering Competence,

Bearing remanufacturing cuts costs and CO2

Bearing remanufacturing plays an essential role in the global railway industry. The benefits are many, including shorter stops, faster overhaul [...]
Bearing life,Bearings,Circular economy,Digitization,Maintenance,Railways,Remanufacturing services,Sustainability,

Manufacturing’s lean and digital future at SKF

When Ajay Naik moved from India to Sweden in 2017 to run SKF’s Gothenburg factory, the plant faced multiple challenges. This is how he and his team [...]
Digital Technology,Digitization,Engineering Competence,Industry,Leadership,Manufacturing,Quality Management,
Engineering Competence

New bearing design for wind turbine gearboxes

Say hello to a new bearing for wind turbine gearboxes. SKF DuraPro for wind turbine gearboxes have a longer endurance life, higher life rating and [...]
Bearing failure,Bearing life,Bearings,Digital Technology,Digitization,Engineering Competence,New technology/product,Quality,Reliability,
Digital Technology

Condition mon‍itoring cuts costs

China’s Guangzhou Metro is one of the busiest metro networks in the world. Now it is going from a planned maintenance model for its bearings to a [...]
Axleboxes,Bearing failure,Bearing life,Bearings,Condition monitoring,Digital Technology,Digitization,Engineering Competence,Maintenance,Sustainability,
Digital Technology

The future of bearing failure analysis is here

Computer vision is an effective complement to the human eye. SKF has developed an AI tool to evaluate bearing damage automatically, helping [...]
Artificial intelligence,Bearing failure,Digital Technology,Digitization,Maintenance,New technology/product,