STLE award for paper on life ratings of rolling bearings
Stathis Ioannides, Guillermo Morales and Antonio Gabelli, SKF Engineering Research Centre, the Netherlands, have been named the 2010 recipients of the Captain Alfred E Hunt Memorial Medal by the American Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). The medal is awarded annually to the STLE member or members authoring the best paper dealing with the field of lubrication or an allied field published during the preceding year in a society publication. Ioannides, Morales and Gabelli receive the award for the paper titled “Particle damage in Hertzian contacts and life ratings of rolling bearings”.
This issue of Evolution contains part 2 of a technology article by Ioannides, Morales and Gabelli on lubrication and contamination effects on bearing life (pages 25-31). The first part of this article was published in Evolution #2–2010.