All articles for "Failure modes"

Engineering Competence

Microstructural alteration of bearing steels in rolling contact fatigue

Material degradation is the main reason that rolling bearings fail. The best way to predict bearing failure is to develop a keen understanding of [...]
Bearing failure,Bearings,Failure modes,Research and theory,
Fighting counterfeits

Fighting counterfeits

SKF has recently completed legal proceedings against a dealer of counterfeit bearings in Greece. The proceedings were initiated in 2009, after some [...]
Authorised distributor,Bearing failure,Failure modes,
Engineering Competence

The progression of surface rolling contact fatigue damage of rolling bearings

The mechanism of surface rolling contact fatigue in rolling bearings is investigated by means of dedicated experiments and numerical simulations of [...]
Failure modes,Other industry,Research and theory,Roller bearings,
Digital Technology

Healthy outlook

Manufacturing is not the only industry that can benefit from taking a closer look at efficiency. In the United States, SKF helped a medical clinic [...]
Failure modes,Medical and Health Care,
Engineering Competence

Golden opportunities

Avoiding bearing failure or avoiding ­reoccurrence may well be worth more than the weight of the bearing in gold.
Failure modes,Lubrication Solutions,Research and theory,Service,

Pioneers in maintenance strategy

Improving an oil refinery’s efficiency is a complex task. But LUKoil Neftochim Bourgas in Bulgaria has worked out how to reduce maintenance and [...]
Condition monitoring,Failure modes,Maintenance,Reliability,
Engineering Competence

Trouble-shooting at Cummins

Having a product that costs 10 times more than the competing product is not a problem – if you can supply a smart solution.
Bearing failure,Bearings,Engineering consultancy,Failure modes,Reliability,Research and development,