All articles for "Pulp and paper"


No time to waste

The pulp and paper industry can conjure up images of black smoke, dirty rivers and forest clear-cutting. But one Canadian company is working hard to [...]
Condition monitoring,Pulp and paper,Reliability,

A cultural question

The Grigiškės paper mill in Vilnius, Lithuania, was having problems with equipment reliability. A team of SKF experts contributed to minimize [...]
Condition monitoring,Pulp and paper,Reliability,Training,
Digital Technology

20 years of evolution

Since it was first launched 20 years ago, Evolution magazine has taken its readers to some extraordinary places. The first issue in 1994 looked at [...]
Aerospace,Digitization,Machinery and equipment,Pulp and paper,

Pulp Package

The world’s largest producer of eucalyptus pulp, Brazil-based Fibria Celulose S.A. has worked with SKF for more than 12 years to make the running of [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Pulp and paper,Reliability,Rotating equipment performance,

Paper contract

Maintenance,Pulp and paper,

Smooth operator

Operator driven reliability (ODR) has reduced unplanned shutdowns at Stora Enso’s paper mill in Varkaus, Finland. Technology is important, but the [...]
Condition monitoring,Pulp and paper,Reliability,
Engineering Competence

STLE award for paper on life ratings of rolling bearings

  Stathis Ioannides, Guillermo Morales and Antonio Gabelli, SKF Engineering Research Centre, the Netherlands, have been named the 2010 recipients of [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Solutions,Pulp and paper,Research and development,