Investment in new forests in China
A framework agreement has been signed by SKF and the State Forestry Administration in China for SKF to invest in the planting of new forests in remote areas of the country. The project is expected to run for five years. SKF has selected the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, one of the leading research institutes in forestry, as a technical partner.
A framework agreement has been signed by SKF and the State Forestry Administration in China for SKF to invest in the planting of new forests in remote areas of the country. The project is expected to run for five years. SKF has selected the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, one of the leading research institutes in forestry, as a technical partner.
China is aiming to achieve forest coverage of more than 26 percent of its land by 2050. By investing in these forests, SKF aims to bring environmental as well as social contributions to the local communities.
“We recognize the critical role forests serve in the ecosystem, and this project supports our sustainability work and our BeyondZero approach,” says SKF President and CEO Tom Johnstone. “We are committed to reducing the negative environmental impacts from our operations and offering new technologies, products and services with enhanced environmental added value to our customers.”