Service contract in Brazil
Two of Brazil’s largest industrial companies have signed Integrated Maintenance Solutions contracts with SKF.
The Votorantim Group, with operations in paper, cement and metals, signed two five-year contracts with SKF Service for its VCP-division paper mills in Jacareí and Piracicaba. Together, these two mills produce 300,000 tonnes of paper per year.
The contracts include predictive and pro-active reliability maintenance systems including hardware and software. This also includes SKF condition monitoring for data collection and IT equipment for network connection.
The Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) signed a two-year contract with SKF Service to perform predictive maintenance on all the equipment at its Tubaraõ terminal from which 80 million tons of iron ore are exported every year. SKF Service will monitor and collect information from some 13,000 points at the terminal and provide analysis for the purpose of scheduling maintenance.