Understanding the ISO 15243 – Bearing damage modes and classifications
Due to the central role of bearings in many machines, avoiding bearing failures is key to improved machine performance. The first step to avoid future bearing failures is proper identification of the failure mode.
- different types of bearing failures, their
- classification according to ISO 15243 and
- actions to avoid them.
Even though 90 % of bearings outlive the equipment they are in, understanding bearing failures is key to machine performance.
By examining a failed or damaged bearing, in many cases, it is possible to establish the root cause and define corrective actions to prevent a recurrence. This webinar is intended to provide a basic understanding of bearing failures and possible causes.
Additional resources about bearing failure and how to prevent it
However, if you need help, don’t hesitate to contact SKF or your local SKF distributor. We’ll use our knowledge of bearings and real-life conditions to help resolve your bearing issue as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.