All articles for "Sustainability"


Keeping sustainability

For the fifth year in succession, SKF has been selected to be a member of Dow Jones’ Sustainability World Indexes and the pan-European sustainability [...]

Member of Dow Jones sustainability index

For the third consecutive year, SKF has been selected for the Dow Jones’ Sustainability World Indexes (DJSI World) and the pan-European [...]

Energy in the air

As its technology improves and costs drop, wind power is becoming the power of choice by utilities and communities throughout the world. It is a [...]
Engineering Competence

Biodegradable bearing grease available

SKF has introduced a new biodegradable, low-toxicity “green” grease, LGGB 2. The grease is an environmentally friendly alternative to standard [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Solutions,Sustainability,

Environmental quiz on the Web

How many questions on the environment can you answer in 90 seconds? To find out, surf to the SKF Group homepage. There you can do an online [...]

Sun-powered traction

Why use fossil fuels to power a tractor when another source of energy – sunlight – is available and is non-polluting, free and virtually [...]
Agriculture,Energy and sustainability management,Linear motion,Sustainability,
Engineering Competence

Documented care for the environment

SKF introduced an environmental management system across the group that meets the new international voluntary standard, ISO 14001.SKF set itself a [...]