All articles for "Maintenance"


A passion for plastic

As usual, the Greeks had a word for it, long before plastics came to dominate modern life in the second half of the 20th century. The word was [...]
Option 1

Bringing in the sheaves

A new rope sheave unit, used to help draw paper through machines during startup or after paper breaks, has been developed that helps to reduce the [...]
Maintenance,Maintenance products,Pulp and paper,Seals,
Engineering Competence

Grease life in lubricated-for-life deep groove ball bearings

Advanced grease-life estimates for lubricated-for-life ball bearings can be made with a new diagram that includes operating temperature and grease [...]
Lubrication Solutions,Maintenance,Reliability,

Dead Sea alive with mining activity

The Dead Sea is proving to be a rich source of minerals, including potash. The Dead Sea Works is using a method developed by the company to mine [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Mining and mineral processing,
Engineering Competence

High tech on the high seas

Forget cumbersome propeller shafts coupled to noisy vibrating diesels. The world’s biggest and most exclusive cruise  ship is propelled by an [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Reliability,
Engineering Competence

A solid foundation

Faced with a difficult domestic economy, Brazil’s Votorantim Group is moving into the global arena, expanding its base through acquisitions and joint [...]

Soya solution

With the pressures of expansion and competition in Brazilian agribusiness, companies must keep costs low. For the soya crushing operations of Bunge [...]
Condition monitoring,Food and Beverage,Integrated maintenance solutions,Maintenance,