
Composite plain bearings for heavy loads

In heavy-load applications, where the rotating or oscillating movements are relatively small, composite plain bearings offer advantageous design [...]

Machine tool manufacturer sold

SKF has sold its Swedish machine-tool manufacturer LMT, Lidköping Machine Tools AB, to KMT, Karolin Machine Tool AB. The sale is part of SKF’s [...]
Asset management,Industry,

Environmental quiz on the Web

How many questions on the environment can you answer in 90 seconds? To find out, surf to the SKF Group homepage. There you can do an online [...]

Alignment specialist acquired

SKF has acquired 70 percent of the shares in the Dutch service company Machine Support BV. Machine Support specialises in precision geometric [...]

The journey of a suitcase

Baggage handling has become so streamlined that a piece of luggage can travel around the world and hardly be touched by human hands.Your suitcase has [...]
Aerospace,Automation,Bearings,Transportation and logistics,

New spindles

Russell T. Gilman Inc., an SKF company and manufacturer of precision machine tool components, has introduced a new harmonics and chatter control [...]
Machine Tools,Spindles,

Sun-powered traction

Why use fossil fuels to power a tractor when another source of energy – sunlight – is available and is non-polluting, free and virtually [...]
Agriculture,Energy and sustainability management,Linear motion,Sustainability,