All articles for "Sustainability"


Fitting steel & green into the same sentence

The global steel industry faces a tough challenge: to meet higher demand by increased production, to reduce the negative environmental impact, and to [...]
Lubrication Services,Lubrication Solutions,Maintenance products,Metals,Remanufacturing,Sustainability,
Option 1

“Green” factory opened in Russia

SKF has inaugurated a new factory in Tver, Russia. The factory will produce the new generation of SKF’s sealed and pre-lubricated tapered roller [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Solutions,Railways,Sustainability,Trucks,

Investment in new forests in China

News A framework agreement has been signed by SKF and the State Forestry Administration in China for SKF to invest in the planting of new forests in [...]
Engineering Competence

Søren Hermansen – Island hero

In 2009, Søren Hermansen was named one of the winners of the Göteborg Award for Sustainable Development for his outstanding efforts in creating the [...]
Energy and sustainability management,Sustainability,Wind,

Lights out – The end nears for the incandescent light bulb

It has been a fixture of Western culture, brightening the lives of billions of people for the past 140 years. But modern technology and environmental [...]
Option 1

SKF opens two new factories in India

Two new SKF factories have recently been inaugurated in India. The opening of these facilities supports the growing demand in India and strengthens [...]
Sustainability,Testing and test center,

Investment in new forests in China

A framework agreement has been signed by SKF and the State Forestry Administration in China for SKF to invest in the planting of new forests in [...]