All articles for "Sustainability"


Collaboration to build a smart energy and carbon management system in China

A collaboration between Goldwind and SKF is pushing the frontiers of low-carbon manu⁠fac⁠turing in Dalian, China.
Engineering Competence

Bearing damage analysis: ISO 15243 is here to help you

Being able to identify failure modes and causes of rolling bearing damage is the first step towards avoiding repeat failures and improving machinery [...]
Bearing failure,Industry,Maintenance,Reliability,Sustainability,

Supporting the energy re‍volution

Active magnetic bearings from SKF are key components in today’s energy transition and optimization. Now they are finding applications in the [...]
Energy and sustainability management,Industry,Magnetic bearings,Sustainability,
Product News

New tool to help industry address carbon emissions

SKF has launched a new, freely available tool to help the industry better understand and address carbon emissions.
Digital Technology,Engineering Competence,Industry,New technology/product,Sustainability,
Product News

Filtration system boosts oil lifetime

SKF RecondOil’s technology, which removes even the smallest impurities from circulating oil, is now available in a compact form.
CleanTech,Lubrication Solutions,Sustainability,

Bearing remanufacturing cuts costs and CO2

Bearing remanufacturing plays an essential role in the global railway industry. The benefits are many, including shorter stops, faster overhaul [...]
Bearing life,Bearings,Circular economy,Digitization,Maintenance,Railways,Remanufacturing services,Sustainability,
Digital Technology

Condition mon‍itoring cuts costs

China’s Guangzhou Metro is one of the busiest metro networks in the world. Now it is going from a planned maintenance model for its bearings to a [...]
Axleboxes,Bearing failure,Bearing life,Bearings,Condition monitoring,Digital Technology,Digitization,Engineering Competence,Maintenance,Sustainability,