Option 1

Rannveig Rist

Iceland’s first lady of aluminiumEven though Rannveig Rist is the only woman to occupy the top post in a large industrial corporation in Iceland, she [...]
Metal industry,Sustainability,

Smelter shelter

A reinforced relationship between SKF and Konkola Copper Mines in Zambia has proved a major success for both sides.
Condition monitoring,Mining and mineral processing,Monitoring and diagnostic,Reliability,

Cleaner cleaning

Two SKF engineers have invented a method for cleaning components in industrial production using rainwater as the cleaning agent.Günter Strasser, head [...]
Bearing life,Research and development,

Wind powering the US

For more than 150 years, the United States has been drawing the bulk of its energy from below ground. But the country is increasingly looking for [...]
Condition monitoring,Electricity,Reliability,Wind,
Option 1

New distribution centre in Montevideo

In order to further upgrade the logistics structure in Latin America, SKF has opened a regional distribution centre in Montevideo, Uruguay. This [...]

Condition watch

A new approach to maintenance has helped Norwegian ferry operator Tide Sjø improve reliability and cut costs. Business With its 2,500-kilometre-long [...]
Condition monitoring,Industry,Maintenance,Transportation & logistics,

Local solution for reconditioning saves time and money

SEW-Eurodrive is expected to cut costs in half by ­turning to the SKF Solution Factory in Tianjin, China, for the ­servicing of its wide variety of [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Monitoring and diagnostic,Reliability,Remanufacturing,