Engineering Competence

Heat treatment makes tougher bearings

New steel and heat-treatment process improve performance of heavy-duty bearingsSKF has developed and patented a new heat–treatment process for [...]
Coupling systems,Metals,
Engineering Competence

Reduced noise and vibration with computer simulation

A new computer program that simulates vibrations in rolling bearing applications enables more accurate virtual prototyping.
Engineering tools,Research and development,
Engineering Competence

Acoustic emission helps control grinding

Acoustic emission is a newly developed method that allows for greater control in the grinding process and the creation of bearing elements with more [...]
Design,Research and development,
Engineering Competence

They saw the future

Not many companies boast a 310–year history, but Husqvarna, a maker of outdoor power tools, has been a recognised name since 1689.Following the [...]
Bearings,Home appliances,Seals,
Engineering Competence

Electric motors get smarter

For French company Leroy–Somer, movement means electric motors. It also means pushing the technological limits further to make motors more [...]
Bearings,Cars,Electrical,Sensorised bearings,
Engineering Competence

Steel non–stop

For German steelmaker Stahlwerke Bremen, continuous casting is a core process. That’s why the company gives it continuous attention.To the casual [...]
Engineering Competence

Inland shipping on a high level

It may look like a temple, but it’s actually a 73-metre boatlift that will give Belgium new transportation options. The lift is part of a water [...]
Bearings,Lifting and Handling,Transportation & logistics,