Engineering Competence

Simulation of dynamic behavior of rolling bearings

Computer simulation techniques have been developed to focus on the dynamic behavior of rolling bearings. This can provide insights into phenomena [...]
Automation,Digitization,Engineering tools,Testing and test center,
Engineering Competence

Thrust to trust

Something new is propelling ships to their destinations. It’s a pod that hangs off the ship and allows it greater manoeuvrability, while at the same [...]
Engineering Competence

Wind power made easier

A new wind turbine simplifies the mechanics in machinery, bringing down maintenance costs considerably.If there is one aspect to modern, [...]
Engineering Competence

Leaner, cleaner compression

Efficient running, lower energy consumption and silent operation not only fits Atlas Copco’s environmental policies, it also saves money for the [...]
Engineering Competence

Wheel of fortune

The Millennium Link is bringing about the rebirth of key waterways between Glasgow and Edinburgh. And at the core of this massive project is the [...]
Engineering Competence

The Compact TBU, a new concept in axlebox bearing units

Design is the key to lower life-cycle cost. SKF engineers have taken this maxim to heart in developing the Compact Tapered Bearing Unit (Compact TBU) [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Solutions,Railways,Research and development,Testing and test center,Transportation & logistics,
Engineering Competence

Mounting instructions online

SKF is launching a new Web-based service with mounting and dismounting instructions in eight languages for its main range of bearings. At the [...]
Bearings,Maintenance,Maintenance products,Online services,Training,