Engineering Competence

Service with a future

A long-term maintenance contract between a South African and a German company pushes the boundaries of out-sourcing arrangements. It’s a leap of [...]
Bearings,Mining and mineral processing,
Engineering Competence

Slewing bearings break new ground

Recent developments at SKF have been able to increase slewing bearing life by around 400% using software-based analysis.By their very nature, slewing [...]
Bearing life,Digitization,Marine,
Engineering Competence

Ceramics stand up to harsh realities

Ceramic materials offer the ability to solve bearing-related problems previously insoluble using conventional materials.Ceramic materials are hard [...]
Bearings,Research and development,
Engineering Competence

Polymers enhance railway axlebox bearings

Significantly improved performance can be achieved through the use of polymer cages for roller bearings in railway axlebox applications.Optimised [...]
Bearings,Railways,Transportation & logistics,
Engineering Competence

Harbour cranes give China a lift

A Shanghai manufacturer of port machinery helps China develop transports for its domestic shipping. But exports are also firmly in focus. The [...]
Bearings,Mining and mineral processing,
Engineering Competence

Spindles see major change

SKF has acquired Russell T. Gilman Inc., one of the leading producers of spindles for machine tools in the United States. The acquisition will [...]
Engineering consultancy,Machine Tools,Research and development,Spindles,
Engineering Competence

Rods and bearings in space

Bearing applications can sometimes be out of this world. Take the European space pro-gramme Ariane. Sarma, a speciality products division of SKF [...]