
Electric dreams

SKF is helping to power a new generation of e-vehicles.

Offshore achievements

Two major breakthroughs have cemented SKF’s reputation as a trusted player in the offshore sector. SKF (UK) Limited Aberdeen, a centre of excellence [...]
Bearings,Marine,Mining and mineral processing,

Cream of the crop

Argentina is rightly celebrated for its beef, but the country also has a highly developed dairy industry. Its biggest dairy processes some 4.5 [...]
Condition monitoring,Food and Beverage,Lubricants,Maintenance,Reliability,

Quality excellence awards

SKF has received quality excellence awards from three automotive industry players. The company received the Fiat Qualitas Award, given to Fiat’s best [...]
Bearings,Cars,Engineering consultancy,Quality,

Cool running

Transporting iron ore by rail is a critical aspect of mining in the Arctic Circle. And predictive maintenance is a critical aspect of keeping the [...]
Bearing life,Bearings,

Agreement with Hyundai Motors

SKF has been nominated by Hyundai Motors as a supplier for business valued at about 41.5 million euros. Under the terms of the agreement, SKF will [...]
Bearing units,Cars,Engineering consultancy,

A steely resolve

German steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal Bremen GmbH, part of the world’s largest steelmaking group, produces more than 3 million tonnes of steel each [...]
Condition monitoring,Maintenance,Metal industry,Reliability,