Engineering Competence

Carbonisation phenomena on dynamic shaft seals

Carbonisation of dynamic shaft seals is a phenomenon that can cause oil leakage. The cause of carbonisation has been studied and suitable test [...]
Research and development,Seals,
Engineering Competence

In magazines around the world

Expansion and specialisation are key words for Finland’s UPM-Kymmene. Today the company produces the lion’s share of the world’s magazine paper.When [...]
Condition monitoring,Integrated maintenance solutions,Maintenance,Pulp and paper,Reliability,
Engineering Competence

A mine with a mission

When Asarco Inc. mines copper ore at its Mission Complex in the midst of the southwest US desert, it’s a battle against both temperature and costs.In [...]
Bearing life,Bearings,Condition monitoring,Construction,Integrated maintenance solutions,Reliability,
Engineering Competence

A heavenly view

The Gemini telescopes will see farther into space than ever before in the history of astronomy, even penetrating space clouds to watch stars being [...]
Engineering Competence

On forestry’s front line

Forestry is becoming a precision science. The latest harvester from North American – Scandinavian equipment manufacturer Timberjack assesses data [...]
Agriculture,Automation,Bearings,Hub units,Mechatronics,
Engineering Competence

Biodegradable bearing grease available

SKF has introduced a new biodegradable, low-toxicity “green” grease, LGGB 2. The grease is an environmentally friendly alternative to standard [...]
Bearings,Lubrication Solutions,Sustainability,
Engineering Competence

Composite plain bearings for heavy loads

In heavy-load applications, where the rotating or oscillating movements are relatively small, composite plain bearings offer advantageous design [...]